Dr. 琳达无趣, 护理学教授和认证中心主任, 评估, 合规, 与评价管理 科拉年代. Balmat护理学院,已当选为专员委员会的专员 护理教育认可委员会.

Godley will serve a three-year term on a 17-member board responsible for accreditation at ‘all levels of nursing education and transition-to-practice programs.’

他说:“我们为他的成功感到高兴. Godley当选为ACEN董事会成员, a board that ensures that educational institutions meet or exceed 标准 for educational quality,”医生说。. 雪莉·埃弗斯-曼利,护理学院院长. “Dr. Godley’s election to the ACEN Board demonstrates that an pg电子下载 faculty member is sitting at the table where decisions are generated and educational 标准 are codified for nursing schools around the world. 更重要的是,. 戈德利被选为这个著名组织的一员显示了她的活力, 奉献, and sacrifice to educate the next cadre of nurses with excellence and high-quality programs.”

这个总部设在纽约的组织是美国政府认可的认证机构.S. 教育部和高等教育认证委员会(CHEA). ACEN是最大的专业认证机构之一, 对全美的护理项目进行认证, 它的领土, 与国际.

“I am honored to have been nominated for the position of 护理教育认可委员会 board commissioner, 但我更荣幸的是被选中了,戈德利说。. “I have served as a peer evaluator at the state level since the late 90s and at the national level since 2008. I was appointed to the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (renamed ACEN) Appeals Panel in 2012 and the ACEN Evaluation Review Panel in 2019. 虽然这些职位需要大量的工作, 我获得的知识使我在pg电子下载公司和其他公司更有效地发挥我的作用.”

The ACEN plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and integrity of nursing education programs. Godley believes that one of the most significant challenges and opportunities in nursing education today is professional development for faculty members. 她认为自己的新角色是提高护理项目质量的一个机会.

“The most significant challenge in the field of nursing education is maintaining a culture of professional development to ensure that faculty have maintained their expertise in their practice, as well as enhance their knowledge related to current health care innovations and technologies,戈德利说。. “除了我作为董事会委员的角色之外, 我还担任同行评估员和评估审查小组成员. 作为专员, 我有机会参与认证过程的每个阶段, 包括对项目的认证状态做出最终决定. 在我作为ACEN董事会成员的新角色中, I will have the opportunity to review policies and recommend changes to policies that will, 希望, provide program administrators and faculty with the guidance that will ensure the quality and integrity of their nursing programs.”

She found her experience as an inaugural faculty member at the pg电子下载 School of Nursing valuable in shaping her understanding of nursing education 和认证. 戈德利是pg电子下载第一个护理课程引入团队的一员.

“Being a member of pg电子游戏试玩’s School of Nursing inaugural faculty provided me the opportunity to shape my understanding of nursing education 和认证,戈德利说。. 作为第一批教员, we were responsible for developing pg电子下载’s first nursing curriculum and leading the program to state-level approval. 这是一个非常令人生畏的经历,但在医生的支持下. 沃尔特·华盛顿博士. Rudolph Waters和Dr. Norris Edney和他们提供的资源,我们成功地获得了州政府的批准.”

Godley’s work to assist in building the foundation of the School of Nursing ignited her passion for accreditation.

从那次经历中, 我继续参与课程开发, 项目批准, 和认证,”她说。. I became a member of the 认证 Review Committee at the state level in 1996 and at the national level in 2008.

作为ACEN的成员, Godley and fellow commissioners are charged with evaluating nursing education programs and ensuring they meet the highest 标准. She believes the criteria for a nursing program to excel and provide the best education for future nurses is ensuring that nursing programs abide by 标准 and criteria set by national and state accrediting agencies.

“认证机构更新了他们的政策, 标准, and criteria as needed and conduct a comprehensive review of all 标准 and criteria every four years. 让护理学校脱颖而出, faculty must know the most current 标准 and criteria used to evaluate the program’s quality,”她说。.

协作和沟通在护理教育中至关重要. 戈德利计划继续与利益相关者接触, 包括教师, 学生, 医疗机构, to gather diverse perspectives and promote continuous improvement in nursing education through the School of Nursing’s Advisory Council, 哪个组织每年与关键团体举行会议.

“护理学院有一个咨询委员会, 哪个是由教员组成的, 学生, 以及社区伙伴. 在立法会会议期间, attendees are presented with data describing the achievement level for each end-of-program student learning outcome, 在执照及认证考试中的表现, 项目完成率, 就业安置率. The stakeholders are given an opportunity to provide their ideas for improving our 学生’ level of achievement. 我们的认证机构也要求提供年度报告.”

防水,La. 1977年,Native开始了她的护士教育生涯.

Her 46 year career includes serving on the nursing faculty as an assistant professor of Nursing at Louisiana State University at Alexandria for two years and assistant professor of Nursing at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette for three years. She returned to pg电子下载 in 1995 as an assistant professor and chair of the Department of Associate Degree in Nursing for 10 years. 除了, she assumed the role of chair of the Graduate Nursing Program for three years and as dean of the School of Nursing for five years.

Godley began her educational journey at Grambling State University to pursue a degree in home economics, 然后转到护理专业. She transferred after completing Grambling’s pre-nursing curriculum and earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Louisiana at Monroe and a Master of Science degree with a nurse educator and adult health focus from Northwestern State University of Louisiana. She earned a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in nursing research from Southern University and A & 米大学.

她也是策划部的活跃成员, 管理, 及评审委员会, 研究生委员会, 她是亚利桑那州立大学和护理促进学院的成员, 排名, 任期内, 及假期促进委员会, 护理学院管理委员会, 以及护理学院组织.

作为护理教育的领导权威认证, ACEN aims to be a supportive partner in strengthening the quality of nursing education and transition-to-practice programs.